Saturday, March 19, 2011


Well, we have done it again. By we, I mean me and the country I live in. WE have entered another armed conflict. We have bombed another country. We have sent missiles into Libya and now we have others who hate us.

Caesar will destroy this God loved world with bombs and armies and guns before the darkness is gone. We light people are too quiet. We stand by and let the darkness continue. We light people have for too long not spoken up when night people have bombed and killed and maimed. I refuse to this time.

Darkness will not win. Darkness will not survive. A new day is dawning. Will you join me?


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Seems the Peace Prize was awarded a bit to early. I agree, we will regret our use of military force to solve every problem.

Pastor Allen C said...

I'm just sick about it. Between Bismarck and Washington I'm more and more convinced that we are being governed by an idiocracy and there's not really anything we can do about it.