Sunday, December 20, 2009


Have you ever wondered about why so many people go to church on Christmas? I used to be cynical about it thinking that people just needed their annual dose of God on Christmas, but my mind has been wandering lately. I ate lunch with my good friend this past week and we talked about it. His comments opened my eyes a little deeper to the mystery that is Christmas.

Do you realize that all people sing the same hymns on Christmas? Whether a person is a radical right wing conservative, a socialist left wing progressive, or a ordinary, run of the mill middle of the road Lutheran, we all sing the same hymns during the season of Christmas. That is the key stone to why so many people come to church and worship on Christmas.

The one thing that all of us celebrate without a lot of fighting and controversy is the birth of Jesus. Conservatives, Liberals, middle of the roaders all worship the same thing on that one day. A baby was born and changed the world. God became human in Jesus and we celebrate that day together. It is not like Easter where people can debate and argue about what the resurrection was, Christmas is not argued about. Jesus was born. Period.

Sure wish it was like Christmas more often in the church, don't you?

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