Well, Word Alone is at it again! Bless their hearts!
On its blog, Faithful Transition, Tom Walker has the audacity to think of all those who agree with him and his interpretation of scripture as "orthodox" and everyone else as "revisionist." Walker, in his insane rambling, thinks that Word Alone does not do any of that new fangled, new aged, evil sent from the Devil theology, but he is mistaken once again.
Everyone comes to scripture with preconceived notions. Everyone has baggage that hampers or helps them understand scripture. Everyone, including those so called "orthodox" Lutherans, or even those Bible believing evangelical fundamentalist have ideologies that cloud their interpretations of scripture. NO ONE comes to the scripture as a blank slate. What has happened to us as people, where we have been as a believer in the one true God, our family, our work, and our political ideologies all taint how we look at scripture. There is no way around it.
That is the way it is supposed to be. The Bible is a living entity. The Bible is living and growing in the world today, and we as God's people are a part of that growing. What is happening in the world right now help us understand how God's Word is actively changing the world we know, and changing us too! The Bible is not static. The Bible is not dead. The words written on the page are not God. Those words show us how God has interacted with God's people through out the ages and how God continues to interact with us.
The baggage we bring to the table of God can be transformed by God through our interacting with God's word given us in scripture. This is a good thing! It is not something to be feared as so many fundamentalist do. God is somehow, someway, working through all that baggage showing us a loving and graceful God, showing us how to live a life centered in God, and even showing us how to love those who differ from us.
Live! Laugh! Love! I love Word Alone!